Agendabook Service Components
Easily use with the mobile application,
and analyze in detail with the PC-exclusive cloud system.
Mobile Application
Agendabook App
  • Real-Time Research Execution
  • Real-Time Response and Statistics
  • Collection of Panel Behavior Data
  • Panel Reliability and Participation Control
  • Panel Criteria and Research Creation
PC-Exclusive Cloud Analysis System
AgendaBank Analysis Cloud
  • Real-Time Statistics
  • Real-Time Data Visualization
  • Real-Time AI Analysis Preprocessing
  • Real-Time AI Analysis Support
  • Real-Time AI Analysis Report Automation System
Versatile Applications
Highly Effective Marketing Research
Utilize for various purposes such as social opinion, business model prediction surveys, new product response surveys, pre-prediction surveys, academic papers, media content, marketing, and more.
Based on its versatility, statistical data can be utilized in business, research, media content, institutions, and organizations.
Transparent Panel Information Disclosure
Real-time access to panel information participating in the research
Panel behavior data and adjustment details transparently disclosed through the correlation algorithm evaluation system
Protection Against Vote Data Tampering
All research vote data is
securely protected against tampering with blockchain technology.
Daily vote data is secured using MD5 one-way encryption, which is non-reversible, and stored on the blockchain for data protection.
All vote data is stored daily on the blockchain to ensure it is safely protected from tampering.
Smart Analysis System
Data Visualization That Anyone Can Easily Understand
Overview of Response Results: Comprehensive understanding through data visualization Panel Data Extraction: Various methods of panel data extraction and verification of panel authenticity/transparency
Smart Analysis System
Analysis of Over 200 Behavioral Traits and Voting Patterns of Research Respondents
Panel Behavior: Display of behavior information for panels participating in the research Check Response Results: View response status / Daily, weekly, and monthly cumulative response status
Smart Analysis System
Cross-Analysis of Response Data and Respondent Behavior Data
Changes in Response Results by Time: Real-time response status tracking from the start of the research Cross-Analysis with Over 200 Behavioral Data Points: Cross-analyze response data with behavioral data
Feature and Condition Setting Service
Research Budget and Additional Feature Settings
Budget Setting and Automatic Calculation of Expected Responses
Category and Tag Settings for Search
Detailed Panel Criteria Settings
Free Banner Ad Settings
Mandatory Panel Participation Requirements
Feature and Condition Setting Service
Respondent Panel Criteria and Settings
Research Exposure
Detailed Information and Respondent Participation
Matching Respondent Participation Criteria
Respondent Behavior Data
Participation Possible After Entering Mandatory Criteria
Feature and Condition Setting Service
Equipped with Bias and Response Pattern Prevention Features
Bias/Invalid Response Prevention Function
Randomized Display of Answer Options for Each Respondent
Repeated Verification of Patterned/Insincere Responses
Respondent Verification Failure > Trust Score Decrease
Respondent Verification Success > Reward Issuance
FAQ. Questions and Answers
I want to conduct a survey on the platform, but we don't have an expert in our company.
Agendabook's experts can support all procedures and processes, including survey design, creation, posting, analysis, and reporting.
Agendabook says that sufficient research can be conducted even with a small number of questions. How is that possible?
Agendabook already stores over 200 types of behavioral data, such as gender, age, residential area, and occupation. This eliminates the need for basic customer questions outside of the survey, reducing respondent fatigue and saving costs.
What is the panel reliability rate in Agendabook?
In the community-based Agendabook, all panels are evaluated through a system that uses over 1,900 tracking algorithms to assess the consistency, truthfulness, and similarity of their responses. Panels with low reliability cannot participate in surveys.
I have a time-sensitive survey. How long will the process take?
Once the survey is created and posted, the entire process, including the AI report, can be completed within 24 hours.
What is in-house research?
It is a quantitative research method that quickly gathers feedback on products or services in short cycles to identify issues, guide direction, and inform the planning and development of the next product. Many companies have already established teams to conduct this regularly.
How do I recharge and use AXEN points?
AXEN points used in Agendabook are valued at 1 point per 1 KRW. They can be purchased on the Agendabook app or website and used for budget settings when creating surveys. They are also awarded to respondents as rewards.
What is the subscription service for AgendaBank Cloud?
Agendabook offers a cloud-based search and analysis service that allows you to search and analyze various surveys at a glance.
What is the web report service in [AgendaBank Cloud]?
Agendabook provides a web-based report service that can be shared via web reports. Additionally, it offers PDF document-style reports.
Is it possible to conduct surveys for free?
Yes, surveys and data analysis can be conducted for free. However, the number of questions is limited to one, and the number of responses is restricted based on the poster's level.